Cassiopeia Stars Constellation, Queen of the Night Sky

The Constellation Cassiopeia

Cassiopeia, the queen of the northern night sky, is a prominent constellation that has captivated stargazers for centuries.

Named after the mythical queen from Greek mythology, Cassiopeia is easily recognizable for its distinctive “W” or “Mshape, depending on its position throughout the year.

Cassiopeia Constellation Aug. 14, 2012
Canon EOS 1000D, Épernay (FR)
Astrophotographer VegaStar Carpentier

Let’s embark on a celestial journey and unravel the wonders of this beautiful constellation and the stars that adorn it.

First, lets discover how the Constellation was born.

The Story of Cassiopeia Myth

The history of Cassiopeia mythological figure is directly linked to her constellation.

Cassiopeia, a proud queen, claimed her daughter Andromeda was more beautiful than the Nereids, angering Poseidon, the sea god.

Poseidon sought to punish her kingdom Ethiopia, either by flooding it or sending a sea monster.

To appease the sea gods, an oracle advised sacrificing Andromeda.

Andromeda was chained to a rock at the sea’s edge, awaiting the sea monster’s arrival.

However, Perseus arrived, slayed the monster, and married Andromeda.

The Queen Cassiopeia Thanking Perseus For Freeing Daughter Andromeda
 “La Délivrance d’Andromède” (1679) – Pierre Mignard

Poseidon immortalized Cassiopeia
in the heavens, binding her to a throne resembling a torture device.

Depictions of her vary, sometimes showing her holding a mirror or palm frond, symbolizing vanity.

Cassiopeia’s pride had grave consequences for her kingdom.

Through heroism and divine intervention, Andromeda was saved.

Cassiopeia’s celestial punishment serves as a reminder of the dangers of arrogance and vanity.

Thus, Constellation Cassiopeia was born!

How to Find the Stars of Cassiopeia Constellation

Cassiopeia is positioned in the northern celestial hemisphere, visible from latitudes between +90° and -20°. Its distinct “W” or “M” shape makes it easy to find.

Throughout the year, Cassiopeia seems to rotate around Polaris, the North Star, making it an excellent landmark for stargazers and navigator.

Cassiopeia, The Big Dipper, Polaris Star

To locate the Cassiopeia constellation in the night sky, just follow this easy guide

  1. Begin by finding the easily recognizable constellation of the Big Dipper, which is part of the larger Ursa Major constellation.
  2. Locate the two stars at the end of the Big Dipper’s bowl
  3. Draw an imaginary line from these stars, extending away from the bowl
  4. You should be able to locate the Polaris Star
  5. Continue along this line for roughly the same distance as the distance between the two stars, and you will reach Cassiopeia, with its distinctive “W” or “M” shape.

The shape varies on its orientation in the sky, which is effected by the seasonality of the sky.

It is visible in the northern hemisphere throughout the year and can be found high in the sky during autumn evenings.

The Stars of Cassiopeia Constellation

The Queen of the Sky is composed by five shining stars, α Alpha Cassiopeiae (Schedar), β Beta Cassiopeiae (Caph), γ Gamma Cassiopeiae (Cih), δ Delta Cassiopeiae (Ruchbah) and ε Epsilon Cassipeiae (Segin).

Cassiopeia Stars Names
JA Galán Baho, CC BY-SA 4.0 via Wikimedia Commons

Together, they often are referred as Cassiopeia’s Chair or The Lady in her Chair.

“In charts of the constellations she is represented as a draped figure reclining in a chair and holding up both arms”, the following Pin describes this artistic representation.

Cassiopeia’s Chair
The Lady in Her Chair

Pin of

Schedar, Alpha Cassiopeiae

Cassiopeia consists of five notable stars that contribute to its celestial beauty.

Schedar (Alpha α Cassiopeiae)

The brightest star in the constellation is Alpha Cassiopeiae, also known as Schedar, with a magnitude of 2.24 since it is a orange giant of the spectral type K0 IIIa.

With a luminosity over 1,000 times that of the Sun, Schedar stands out as a giant star, approximately 228 light-years away from Earth. Its surface temperature is around 4,500 Kelvin.

In the past, it was a common thought that Schedar had the same brightness as Caph, beta cassiopeiae.

This was related to the fact that they can appear brighter or fainter than the other, in different passbands: to the untrained eye, they could appear equally shiny.

Anyway, Schedar was confirmed to be marginally brighter by NASA’s WISE telescope.

Caph, Beta Cassiopeiae

Beta Cassiopeiae, also known as Caph, is another prominent star in the constellation.

Caph (Beta β Cassiopeiae)

It is a white giant star located around 54 light-years away from our planet.

Caph has a luminosity about 2,400 times greater than that of the Sun, making it a fascinating stellar object to observe.

Its surface temperature is estimated to be around 7,500 Kelvin.

Caph is almost 25 times less brighter than Schedar which has an energy output 676 times that of the Sun.

Comparing the distances, Schedar is about four times more distant than Caph, which shines 54.7 light-years away.

Cih, Gamma Cassiopeiae

Among the intriguing stars of Cassiopeia is Gamma Cassiopeiae, a peculiar variable star.

Cih (Gamma γ Cassiopeiae)

What makes unique Gamma Cassiopeiae, known as Cih (it has no traditional Arabic or Latin name), is its ability to undergo sudden and dramatic changes in brightness.

This phenomenon is caused by its rapid rotation, which causes the star to eject material into space, forming a surrounding disk.

Gamma Cassiopeiae is a massive blue-white subgiant star located approximately 550 light-years away from Earth.

Its surface temperature is estimated to be around 22,000 Kelvin.

However, the name Cih is derived from “Tsih”, the Asian star name which is meaning “Whip”; it is informally known also known as Navi.

Ruchbah, Delta Cassiopeiae

Delta Cassiopeiaen, or Ruchbah, is an eclipsing binary system with an apparent magnitude of 2.68, making it the fourth brightest star of the constellation.

Ruchbah (Delta δ Cassiopeiae)

It is distant 99.4 light-years and has a stellar classification of A5 IV which represents a subgiant white with a temperature of 7.980 K.

The star has already finished the hydrogen in its core so it evolved away from the main sequence;  it has 2.49 times the mass of the sun and 3.90 times its radius.

The star’s name “Ruchbah” comes from the Arabic rukbah, meaning “knee”; it refers to the star’s position in the constellation, marking the knee of the mythical Queen Cassiopeia.

Segin, Epsilon Cassiopeiae

Epsilon Cassiopeiae, commonly known as Segin, is a binary star system located approximately 440 light-years away.

Segin (Epsilon ε Cassiopeiae)

The primary star is a blue-white giant, while its companion is a smaller star.

It is the fifth star in order of magnitude, which is 3.37, making it the faintest one.

Segin has the stellar classification B3 V, indicating that it is still melting hydrogen in its core.

Segin’s striking appearance and its position within the constellation add to the visual allure of Cassiopeia.

The primary star has a surface temperature of about 17,000 Kelvin.

Other Stars and Deep Objects in Cassiopeia

In addition to the notable stars, Cassiopeia is home to various deep-sky objects that fascinate astronomers, like the star cluster Messier 52, the bubble Nebula NGC 7635 and the ghost nebula IC 63.

NGC 7635 Bubble Nebula and Messier 52 Star Cluster2005
500 mm Cassegrain 5800 mm f/11.4
Radek Chromik on

Star Cluster Messier 52

The open star cluster Messier 52 is a stunning sight, composed of approximately 6,000 stars and located around 5,000 light-years away from Earth.

Messier 52 Stur Cluster
Author Page of Public domain
via Wikimedia Commons

This cluster showcases a rich assortment of stars, with some appearing in striking colors, ranging from white and yellow to orange and red.

The cluster’s age is estimated to be around 35 million years, making it relatively young in astronomical terms.

Blubble Nebula NGC 7635

The famous Bubble Nebula (NGC 7635) can also be found within Cassiopeia, displaying a bubble-like structure created by the stellar wind from a massive, hot star located at its center.

Bubble Nebula NGC 7635Feb. 26, 2016
NASA/ESA/Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA)

The intense ultraviolet radiation emitted by this star interacts with the surrounding gas, creating the glowing shell of the nebula.

The Bubble Nebula provides astronomers with valuable insights into the processes of star formation and the interplay between massive stars and their interstellar environment.

Its distance from Earth is estimated to be around 7,100 light-years.

Ghost Nebula IC 63

Moreover, the eerie Ghost Nebula IC 63 adds an ethereal touch to the constellation with its wispy appearance.

Ghost Nebula IC 63Oct. 25, 2018
NASA/ESA/STScI/H. Arab (University of Strasbourg)

This dim reflection nebula is illuminated by the nearby star Gamma Cassiopeiae, causing the surrounding dust and gas to scatter and reflect starlight.

The Ghost Nebula presents an intriguing subject for astrophotography enthusiasts due to its delicate features and faint glow.

It is located at a distance of approximately 550 light-years from Earth.

Supernova Cassiopeia A

One of the most well-known remnants of an exploded star, known as a supernova remnant, resides within Cassiopeia.

Cassiopeia A Supernova2004
NASA/ESA/Hubble Heritage (STScI/AURA)

Cassiopeia A
, or Cas A, is the remnant of a supernova explosion that occurred approximately 11,000 light-years away from Earth.

This celestial spectacle continues to be a subject of scientific study, offering valuable insights into the life cycle of stars.

Cas A provides astronomers with an opportunity to observe the aftermath of a supernova, enabling them to study the processes of nucleosynthesis and the dispersal of heavy elements into the surrounding interstellar medium.

Look at this overlay of several photographs that have taken the object at different wavelengths: gamma rays with their magenta, X-rays of blue and green colors, visible view of yellow, the infrared that is red and the radio, which is orange.

Cassiopeia A Supernova Overlay2004
NASA/DOE/Fermi LAT Collaboration/ CXC/SAO/JPL-Caltech/Steward/O. Krause et al./ NRAO/AUI, Public domain, Wikimedia Commons

The Significance of Cassiopeia Constellation

Cassiopeia’s mythological roots and distinctive shape have made it a subject of fascination in various cultures throughout history.

In addition to Greek mythology, different civilizations have interpreted the constellation in their own ways.

For instance, in Chinese astronomy, Cassiopeia is known as the “Weaving Maid” and is associated with the tale of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, represented by the stars Vega and Altair, respectively.

Cassiopeia not only offers breathtaking sights and captivating stories but also serves as a valuable resource for scientific research.

Cassiopeia Constellation Stars
Roberto Mura, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The stars within the constellation provide crucial information about stellar evolution, from the birth of massive stars to their explosive deaths.

By studying these stars, astronomers gain insights into the processes that shape the cosmos and the elements that make up our universe.

From the mesmerizing glow of Alpha Cassiopeiae to the enigmatic variations of Gamma Cassiopeiae, each star within the constellation holds its own story and scientific significance.

Whether you gaze upon Cassiopeia to appreciate its stellar beauty, explore its deep-sky wonders, or immerse yourself in the stories woven through time, this enchanting queen of the night sky will continue to inspire and captivate stargazers for generations!

Ursa Major Stars, the Great Bear Constellation Wonders

The night sky has always captivated human beings, inspiring awe and wonder.

Among the countless celestial treasures scattered across the firmament, the stars of Ursa Major holds a special place.

Also known as the Great Bear, Ursa Major is one of the most recognizable and prominent constellations in the northern hemisphere.

In the southern hemisphere, instead, it is only partially visible.

Ursa Major Stars – Focus on The Big Dipper
Akira Fujii

In this article, we will embark on a celestial journey through the stars of Ursa Major, deepening also the 7 Stars composing the Big Dipper.

We will unveil their magnificence and unravel their scientific significance.

Ursa Major Constellation Stars
Roberto Mura, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Constellation Ursa Major

Ursa Major is a prominent constellation that graces the northern sky.

It is often referred to as the “Big Dipper” due to its distinctive shape, which resembles a wagoon with tiller.

Comprising seven bright stars, Ursa Major forms part of the larger constellation Ursa Major Group.

Ursa Major Group and The Big Dipper Stars Names

The stars of Ursa Major have been observed and studied for centuries, offering valuable insights into stellar evolution and celestial navigation.

The 7 Stars of the Big Dipper

Alkaid (Eta Ursae Majoris)

Alkaid (Eta η Ursae Majoris)

Alkaid, also known as Eta Ursae Majoris, is the end star of the Big Dipper’s handle.

It is a blue-white main-sequence star located approximately 103.9 light-years away from Earth.

With a spectral classification of B3 V, Alkaid shines with an apparent magnitude of 1.86, making it one of the brightest stars in Ursa Major.

Its is also the 38th brightest star in the sky.

Remember that star’s magnitude is computed as the following.

Apparent Magnitude Formula
Wiki Magnitude

Its high luminosity and intense radiation make Alkaid an intriguing subject for astronomers studying stellar atmospheres and spectroscopy.

Below, you can have a look at Alkaid compared to our Sun.

Alkaid Compared to Sun
Kirk39, GPL, via Wikimedia Commons

Dubhe (Alpha Ursae Majoris)

Dubhe (Alpha α Ursae Majoris)

Dubhe, or Alpha Ursae Majoris, is the second-brightest star in Ursa Major and forms part of the Big Dipper’s bowl.

Classified as a K-type giant star, Dubhe exhibits a warm orange hue and is located approximately 124 light-years away.

With an apparent magnitude of 1.79, it is easily visible to the naked eye.

Dubhe is also an interesting binary star system, with a smaller companion that orbits the primary star.

This system provides valuable opportunities for studying stellar dynamics and interactions.

Merak (Beta Ursae Majoris)

Merak (Beta β Ursae Majoris)

Merak, or Beta Ursae Majoris, is the third-brightest star in Ursa Major and represents the tip of the Big Dipper’s bowl.

As a main-sequence star of spectral type A1,  Merak emits a white light and is located around 79 light-years away from our planet.

With an apparent magnitude of 2.37, it contributes to the constellation’s splendor.

Astronomers have studied Merak extensively to understand its composition, structure, and evolutionary stage, shedding light on the life cycles of stars.

Megrez (Delta Ursae Majoris)

Megrez (Delta δ Ursae Majoris)

Megrez, also known as Delta Ursae Majoris, is the faintest of the Big Dipper’s seven stars.

Despite its modest brightness of 3.32 , Megrez is an important marker in the constellation.

Classified as an A-type main-sequence star (A3), it lies approximately 81 light-years away from Earth.

Astronomers have utilized Megrez’s properties to refine the calibration of stellar evolutionary models, helping to unravel the mysteries of stellar birth and death.

Alioth (Epsilon Ursae Majoris)

Alioth (Epsilon ε Ursae Majoris)

Alioth, or Epsilon Ursae Majoris, is the brightest star in Ursa Major and resides at the end of the Big Dipper’s handle.

With a spectral classification of A1 IV, Alioth shines with a magnitude of 1.77.

It is located around 82.6 light-years away and exhibits a bluish-white glow.

Alioth is a fascinating target for astronomers studying stellar rotation and magnetic fields, providing crucial insights into stellar activity and dynamo mechanisms.

Mizar (Zeta Ursae Majoris) and Alcor (80 Ursae Majoris)

Mizar (Zeta ζ Ursae Majoris)

Mizar and Alcor form a double star system in Ursa Major, which has been known since ancient times.

Mizar is 82.9 light-years far while Alcor 81.7, meaning that these two stars of Ursa Major, should be far about 1.2 light-years.

Alcor has an apparent magnitude of 3.99 while Mizar one of 2.04.

Mizar, also known as Zeta Ursae Majoris, is the middle star of the Big Dipper’s handle, while Alcor, or 80 Ursae Majoris, is a fainter star nearby.

Mizar itself is a well-known multiple star system, composed of at least four stars.

Alcor and Mizar (Ursae Majoris)

This makes it an intriguing target for astronomers studying stellar dynamics and stellar evolution.

Mizar and Alcor also serve as a popular visual test for eyesight and have been used by navigators as a gauge of visual acuity.

Phecda(Gamma Ursae Majoris)

Phecda (Gamma γ Ursae Majoris)

Phecda or Gamma Ursae Majoris, is the second star from the end of the Big Dipper’s bowl.

As a K-type giant star, Phecda has a distinct orange-red hue and is located approximately 83 light-years away.

It shines with an apparent magnitude of 2.44, class A0Ve, adding to the constellation’s beauty.

Astronomers have studied Phecda to gain insights into stellar evolution and understand the processes occurring in the outer layers of giant stars.

Tania Australis (Mu Ursae Majoris)

Outside the Big Dipper, Tania Australis, also known as Mu (μ) Ursae Majoris, is a binary star system located in the southern part of Ursa Major.

Tania Australis (μ Ursae Majoris) and NGC3184
Greg Parker

It consists of two stars in orbit around a common center of mass.

Tania Australis is composed of a red giant main-sequence star of 3.06 magnitude and far about 249 light-years, and a smaller companion star.

It is an advanced star in its evolution, it has finished hydrogen in its core, and now it is contracting and then starting to melt helium into heavier elements.

This process is similar to others red giant stars.

This system provides astronomers with an opportunity to study stellar binaries and explore the dynamics of multiple star systems.

Tania Australis and NGC3184
Simbad Centre de données astronomiques de Strasbourg

The Significance of Ursa Major Stars

The stars of Ursa Major not only offer captivating sights but also provide valuable scientific data.

Astronomers study these stars to gain insights into stellar formation, evolution, and dynamics.

By observing their spectra, astronomers can determine their compositions, temperatures and luminosities.

Additionally, binary star systems in Ursa Major provide a unique laboratory to study gravitational interactions and stellar evolution.

The knowledge gained from studying the stars of Ursa Major contributes to our broader understanding of the cosmos and helps refine theories of stellar physics.

Ursa Major Stars Constellation

From the brilliant blue-white Alkaid to the warm orange Dubhe, each star in this constellation offers a unique glimpse into the vast cosmos.

So, the next time you gaze up at the night sky and spot the Great Bear, remember that the stars of Ursa Major are not just captivating sights but also windows into the wonders of the universe.

Belt Stars of Orion, The Magnificent Constellation

Belt Stars Orion, Exploring the Magnificent

The constellation of Orion, with its striking belt arrangement of stars, has captivated stargazers for centuries: among its prominent features are the three aligned bright stars that form the iconic “belt” of Orion.

Belt Stars of Orion 
NASA/APOD/Matthew Spinelli

These celestial gems, known as Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka, hold both scientific and cultural significance.

Before beginning our celestial journey, have a look at this astonishing amateur picture of Orion constellation.

Did you know that astronomical pictures require much exposure time and hardwork?

For this one, it has been required 90 minutes, that is to say 30 seconds each photo for about 180 pictures in total (800 ISO).

That time just to take one picture!

Orion Belt Stars (Full Res)
Tamron 18-200mm lens (180 mm focal lenght) + EQ3 Pro Mount + Sony Alpha 58 
Credits: martins_astrophotography

In this article, we delve into the fascinating characteristics of the Belt Stars of Orion, unveiling their astronomical wonders and shedding light on their role in our understanding of the cosmos.

However, Orion constellation is made of eight stars, whose characteristics are described below.

Stars’ Names of Orion Constellation

Alnilam is the brightest star of the belt while Rigel is the shiniest element of the constellation.

Name Bayer designation Light years Apparent magnitude
Betelgeuse α Orionis 548 0.50
Rigel β Orionis 863 0.13
Bellatrix γ Orionis 250 1.64
Mintaka δ Orionis 1,200 2.23
Alnilam ε Orionis 1,344 1.69
Alnitak ζ Orionis 1,260 1.77
Saiph κ Orionis 650 2.09
Meissa λ Orionis 1,320 3.33

Remind that in Astronomy, the Apparent Magnitude of a star is computed as:

Apparent Magnitude Formula

In other words, the brightness of a star is expressed through a comparison to a reference value (mref) and since it is using negative logarithmic 10 base scale, the lowest the value, the brightest the star.

The Three Sisters of Orion
Andre Vilhena

Alnitak, the Dynamic Stars Belt Trio

Alnitak, the easternmost star in Orion’s belt, is a multiple star system located approximately 1,280 light-years away from Earth.

According to, it has an apparent magnitude of 1.77 which makes it the 5th brightest star in Orion and the 31st brightest star in the sky, sharing the 31sh place with Alioth, the brightest star in Ursa Major.

It consists of three stars: Alnitak A, Alnitak B, and Alnitak C.

Alnitak or Zeta Orionis (ζ Ori)

Alnitak A, the primary component, is a massive blue supergiant: with a luminosity over 100,000 times that of our Sun, it ranks as one of the most luminous stars in the Milky Way.

Alnitak B is a hot, blue-white star, while Alnitak C is a dimmer, fainter companion.

This trio of stars forms a breathtaking sight when observed through a telescope, revealing the intricacies of stellar dynamics.

Alnitak A, with its immense size and energy output, plays a crucial role in shaping the surrounding interstellar environment.

Its powerful stellar winds and intense ultraviolet radiation sculpt nearby clouds of gas and dust, triggering the formation of new stars.

Alnitak, Flame and Horsehead Nebulas

These stellar nurseries give birth to clusters of young, hot stars, enriching the Orion constellation with stellar diversity.

Alnilam, the Brightest Belt Stars

At the center of Orion’s belt lies Alnilam, a luminous blue supergiant situated approximately 1,344 light-years from Earth.

Alnilam shines with a brilliance exceeding 375,000 times that of our Sun.

Alnilam or Epsilon Orionis (ε Ori)

Its immense size and energy output classify it as one of the most massive and intrinsically luminous stars known to humanity.

Alnilam’s radiance illuminates the surrounding interstellar dust, giving rise to the famous “Horsehead Nebula” and contributing to the complex interplay of light and matter in the Orion constellation.

Horsehead Nebula – Hubble Telescope
NASA/ESA/Hubble Heritage Team

Alnilam’s colossal mass, estimated to be over 30 times that of the Sun, makes it a prime candidate for eventual supernova explosion.

Such cataclysmic events mark the end of massive stars’ lives and unleash tremendous amounts of energy and heavy elements into space.

The remnants of these explosions, known as supernova remnants, continue to influence the interstellar medium, fostering the formation of new generations of stars and enriching galaxies with vital building blocks for planetary systems.

Mintaka, the 4 Stars Multiple System

Mintaka, the westernmost star in Orion’s belt, is a multiple star system located roughly 1,200 light-years away.

It consists of four main components: Mintaka A, Mintaka B, Mintaka C and Mintaka D.

Mintaka or Delta Orionis (δ Ori)

Mintaka A is a massive blue giant, while Mintaka B is a companion star with a slightly smaller mass.

Mintaka C and Mintaka D are two dimmer stars that complete the stellar quartet.

Mintaka has been studied extensively due to its peculiarities, including its variable brightness caused by interactions within the system.

Such investigations deepen our understanding of stellar evolution and binary star systems.

Mintaka’s variable nature provides astronomers with valuable insights into the complex dynamics of binary star systems.

These systems, composed of two or more stars orbiting around a common center of mass, are common in the universe.

Binary stars BHB2007 : Absorbing Material and Gravitating Around Each Other

Through detailed observations and analysis of Mintaka, scientists gain a deeper understanding of stellar interactions, mass transfer, and the ultimate fate of such systems.

Furthermore, Mintaka’s variable brightness contributes to the wealth of data used to refine and calibrate astronomical models and techniques.

Astronomical Significance, Stars Evolution and Telescopes Calibration

The Belt Stars of Orion hold immense astronomical significance beyond their visual allure.

Their massive and energetic natures provide valuable insights into stellar formation, evolution, and death.

The study of these stars enables scientists to probe the processes governing the birth and dynamics of massive stars, as well as the subsequent dispersal of heavy elements into space through supernova explosions.

Additionally, the Belt Stars serve as crucial calibration points in stellar classification, aiding astronomers in determining the properties of distant stars through comparative analysis.

Orion’s Belt Panorama
Mvln, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The lifecycle of massive stars, from their formation in stellar nurseries to their explosive demise as supernovae, plays a fundamental role in shaping the cosmos.

Through the observations of the Belt Stars of Orion and similar massive stars, astronomers gain insights into the mechanisms that govern the evolution and fate of these luminous giants.

The knowledge derived from studying these stars helps refine our understanding of stellar populations, galaxy evolution, and the synthesis of elements necessary for the emergence of life.

Orion Belt
Davide De Martin, Credit: Digitized Sky Survey, ESA/ESO/NASA FITS Liberator
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Cultural Connections, the Role of Egypt and Greece

The Belt Stars of Orion carry cultural significance across various civilizations.

From ancient Egypt to indigenous cultures in North America, Orion has been a focal point of mythologies and celestial navigation.

However, the constellation name is referred to the Greek Giant Orion, a giant huntsman whom Zeus (or perhaps Artemis) placed among the stars.

In Greek literature, he appears for the first time as a great hunter in the epopee of Homer the Odyssey, where Ulysses sees his shadow in the underworld.

The Great Hunter Orion
manpuku7 via Getty Images

The alignment of the Belt Stars with other prominent celestial objects has guided human exploration and facilitated the mapping of the night sky.

Even today, the Belt Stars of Orion continue to inspire astronomers and sky watchers alike, reminding us of our timeless fascination with the cosmos.

In ancient Egypt, the Belt Stars of Orion were associated with Osiris, the god of the afterlife.

The annual rising of Orion coincided with the flooding of the Nile, symbolizing rebirth and renewal.

In other cultures, such as the indigenous tribes of North America, the Belt Stars served as important markers for seasonal activities, celestial calendars, and navigation across vast landscapes.

The Magnificent of Belt Stars Orion

The Belt Stars of Orion, Alnitak, Alnilam, and Mintaka, embody the grandeur of the cosmos.

Situated within the iconic constellation, these stars dazzle us with their brilliance and beckon us to unravel the mysteries of the universe.

Through scientific inquiry and cultural appreciation, we continue to explore and celebrate these celestial marvels, expanding our knowledge of the cosmos and deepening our connection to the vastness of space.

If you have reached the end of this article, you can collect our image-prize: admire the Orion Nebula!

Orion Nebula – Hubble Telescope
NASA/ESA/M. Robberto(STScI/ESA) et al.

Is Jupiter a Failed Star?

Jupiter, a failed star?

Well, Jupiter shares some similarities to stars but its fundamental nature and formation, set it apart as a gas giant planet rather than a failed star.

L1527 Protostar – J. Webb Telescope – Nov. 16, 2022
NASA/ESA/CSA/STScI/J. DePasquale/A. Pagan/A. Koekemoer

Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, has long captured the fascination of scientists and stargazers alike.

With its immense size and swirling storms, some have wondered if Jupiter could have been a failed star.

To reveal the truth, we have to move back in time and investigate the planet and star formation of our solar system.

We will consider the exact moment when our sun was a protostar (a borning star) yet.

Jupiter, the similarities to Stars

Jupiter does possess a few similarities to stars, such as its composition.

Both stars and Jupiter are primarily made up of hydrogen (90%) and helium (10%), the two lightest elements in the universe.

If you wish to deepen Jupiter atmosphere topic, you could give a read to our article Jupiter, Rock or Gas Planet?.

Considering the radius, Jupiter is about ten times smaller than the Sun.

You could fit, insted, about 900 Jupiters within our Sun.

However, there exist stars, in the outer space, which are smaller than Jupiter.

For this reason we can state that Jupiter has compatible dimensions to stars’ one.

Additionally, Jupiter emits more energy than it receives from the Sun, a characteristic shared with stars.

Energy is produced as internal heat and released as X-Rays.

Jupiter Poles Aurora High Energy X-Rays 
NuSTAR & Wolter Telescopes 

NuSTAR telescope detected high-energy X-rays in the auroras near the northern and southern poles of Jupiter.

NuSTAR cannot locate the light source with great accuracy, but can only find that the light comes from somewhere in the purple coloured regions.

Jupiter, the differences to Stars

However, the key distinction lies in the formation process.

Stars are formed when large amounts of gas collapse under gravity.

This usually leads to the ignition of nuclear fusion at their cores, due to high pressure and temperature values.

Jupiter, on the other hand, formed from the gas and dust swirling around the early Sun but did not accumulate enough mass to ignite fusion.

Star Generation (Protostar)
NASA/JPL-Caltech/T. Pyle

This is, actually, the main reason why our father planet, Jupiter, did not become a star.

No ignition, no stars.

Jupiter, failed Star or gas giant Planet?

To be classified as a star, an object must reach a critical mass known as the “minimum mass for sustained hydrogen fusion“.

Jupiter Infrared – Hubble, Gemini & Juno Mission
International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/M.H. Wong et al

Jupiter falls well short of this threshold, with only about 0.1% of the mass required for fusion.

Without the sustained nuclear reactions that define stars, Jupiter cannot produce its own energy and instead primarily reflects the Sun’s light.

Its gaseous nature, lack of internal heat, and absence of a solid surface further reinforce its classification as a gas giant planet rather than a failed star.

Jupiter in Infrared/Visible Light/Ultraviolet – Gemini & Hubble Telescope
International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/NASA/ESA/M.H. Wong, I. de Pater et al.

Jupiter’s Role and Significance

While Jupiter may not be a failed star, its role in our solar system is still significant.

It plays a crucial role in shaping the dynamics of the solar system, influencing the orbits of other planets and protecting Earth from potential impacts by attracting and capturing asteroids and comets.

Jupiter’s iconic storms, such as the Great Red Spot, showcase the planet’s complex atmospheric dynamics and provide valuable insights into atmospheric processes on both Jupiter and Earth.

By studying Jupiter, scientists can gain a better understanding of planetary formation and evolution, further deepening our knowledge of the universe we inhabit.

In conclusion, while Jupiter shares some similarities with stars in terms of composition and energy emissions, its formation, mass, and inability to sustain nuclear fusion distinguish it as a gas giant planet rather than a failed star.

Jupiter Artistic Impression based on JunoCam – Juno Mission – Jul 21, 2021

Despite this distinction, Jupiter’s presence in our solar system remains of great importance for its significant influence on planetary dynamics and its role in protecting Earth.

The study of Jupiter continues to provide valuable insights into the workings of our universe and contributes to our understanding of planetary science.

It seems you have reached the end of this article. You deserve a prize!

Enjoy this incredible pictures of Voyager 1 approaching Jupiter in 1979! 
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Is Jupiter the Biggest Planet?

Jupiter, biggest Planet?

Yes, having a radius of 43,441 miles (or 69.911 km), Jupiter is the biggest planet of our solar system. It is not, however, the biggest planet we have ever discovered outside this system.

Solar System Comparison
 (left: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune) – Oct. 24, 2003 
NASA/Lunar and Planetary Institute

If you wish to compare it to the Earth, Jupiter radius is almost 11 times bigger, since our planet radius is about 3,959 miles (6.311 km).

Considering the volume, it is 3.434×1014  mi3 (1,431×1015 km3) meaning that it is 1,321 times bigger (one thousand, three hundreds, twenty one) than Earth’s,  which is 2.599×1011 mi3 (1.08321×1012 km3 ).

In other words 1,321 Earths would fit within Jupiter’s volume.

However, Saturn is the second biggest one, having a radius of  37,449 miles (60.268 km), the 86.32% of Jupiter one, and a volume of  1.967×1014  mi(0,827x 1015 km3), corresponding to the 57.28% of Jupiter planet’s volume.

Jupiter & Saturn Comparison

Are you thinking that Jupiter is huge?

Well, surely you are not wrong, we can not say it is tiny. 

It has to be said, anyway, that there exist, out there, planets which are way larger than it.

Jupiter & TrES-4b Comparison 
 Ignacio González Tapia – Producción propia

For example, TrES-4b, extrasolar planet orbiting in 31 hours the star GSC 03089-00929 (Hercules constellation) 1,430 light years away, has a radius of 143,000 miles (230.000 km) which is the 330% of the biggest planet of our system.

Is Jupiter bigger than Sun?

No way!

Sun radius is 432,686 miles (696.340 km) while Jupiter is 43,441 miles (69.911 km), meaning that gas giant radius is 10 times smaller than our star’s.

Comparing, instead, the volume, our shiny star value is 3.38 ×1017mi3 (1,41×1018 km3) while, as said above, Jupiter’s one is 3.434×1014  mi3 (1,431×1015 km3).

Comparing the volume values, you can fit about 1,000 Jupiters inside our energy source,  the sun.

Jupiter, Europa, Sun – J.Webb Telescope – Jul 12, 2022
NASA/ESA/CSA/ B. Holler/J. Stansberry

Such a big amount of space, isn’t it?

Well, it depends.

There are celestial corps that are way bigger than our sun, even up to a thousand times (e.g. Antares, Betelgeuse giant red stars).  

This leads to the conclusion that they are, consequently, up to 1,000,000 times corps greater than Jupiter, which makes our lovely father planet, Jupiter, not soo big, in the end.

Is Jupiter bigger than Earth?

Absolutely yes!

As computed above, Jupiter is 1,321 times greater in volume than Earth and it has a radius which is 11 times longer; this makes Jupiter bigger than our home, the Earth.

Jupiter’s Great Red Spot & Earth – C. Go – April 3, 2017
NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Christopher Go

The numbers should explain why you could potentially fit an entire Earth within Jupiter Great Red Spot, and there would be even some free space!

If you are already preparing the luggages, calm down.

Have a look to the below picture and then decide if you still wish live in Jupiter planet’s Great Red Spot.

jupiter-biggest-planet-great-red-spot - 2
Jupiter’s Great Red Spot Detail 
NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Roman Tkachenko
Jupiter’s Great Red Spot Zoom 
NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/SwRI/Kevin M Gill

Is Jupiter the largest Planet?

Jupiter, with his greatest volume of 3.434×1014  mi3 (1,431×1015 km3) and his longest radius of 43,441 miles (or 69.911 km), can be considered the largest planet of our solar system.

Jupiter Planet
NASA / JPL-Caltech / SwRI / MSSS

Starting from the tiniest planet, the order in size of our system planets and the comparison with Jupiter and Earth, assuming the radius as parameter, are:

  • Mercury (1,516 miles/2.440 km) – 3.45% of Jupiter’s – 38.29% of Earth one
  • Mars (2,460 miles/3.390 km) – 5.66% of Jupiter’s – 62.14% of Earth one
  • Venus (3,761 miles/6.052 km) – 8.66% of Jupiter’s – 95.76% of Earth one
  • Earth ( 3,959 miles/6.311 km) – 9.11% of Jupiter’s
  • Neptune (15,299 miles/ 24.622 km) –  35.22% of Jupiter’s – 388.44% of Earth one
  • Uranus ( 15,759 miles/ 25.362 km) – 36.28% of Jupiter’s – 398.06% of Earth one
  • Saturn ( 36,184 miles/58.232 km ) – 83.29% of Jupiter’s – 913.97% of Earth one
  • Jupiter (43,441 miles/69.911 km ) – 1,097.27% of Earth one 

With this data, we can conclude that Jupiter, alone, has the 35.5% of the total of solar system planets radius.

Joint with Saturn, they make the 65.07%. 

The volume is, so, heterogeneous, in our system.

The remaining 34.93% is shared between the other 6 planets, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Venus, Mars and Mercury.

Anyway, we can surely conclude that Jupiter is the largest and biggest planet of our solar system.

If you are now wondering about the composition and phenomena of Jupiter atmosphere, you might be interested in reading our article Jupiter, Rock or Gas Planet?.

Jupiter Aurora & Haze
J. Webb Telescope
NASA/ESA/JupiterERS Team/R. Hueso (UPV/EHU)/J. Schmidt
Jupiter Aurora Rings Haze Satellite – J. Webb Telescope
NASA/ESA/JupiterERS Team/R. Hueso (UPV/EHU)/J. Schmidt

Is Jupiter a Gas Planet?

Jupiter, Rock or Gas Planet? 

Jupiter, the fifth planet from the Sun and the biggest in our system, is often also known as the “Gas Giant“, since it is composed by liquid hydrogen and its atmosphere is made up of hydrogen (90%), helium (10%) and traces of other gases; for this reason Jupiter can be defined a gas planet and it is not characterised by any rocky surface.

Jupiter Murble  –  Juno Mission – Feb. 12, 2019 
 Nasa/JPLCaltech/SwRI/MSSS/Kevin M.Gill

Its gaseous condition can be related to the fact that the planet was not able to reach the critical mass to become a star.

Did you know that the majority of solar systems, in the outer space, are usually made of two stars instead of a single one?

However, some theories currently being verified by NASA Mission Juno, hypothesize the posibility, for Jupiter to have, or have had in the past, a solid core.

The presence and the extent of the magnetic and gravitational fields, will bring new data into this debate.

The shape is related to the gas planet rotation speed of one complete round in about 10 hours, meaning that in a Earth Day it is involved in 2,5 rotations.

This high speed makes Jupiter, and its gases, take the shape of an oblate spheroid.

Jupiter Planet – Juno Mission – Dec. 16, 2016
NASA / JPL-Caltech / SwRI / MSSS / David Marriott.

Does Jupiter have an atmposphere?

Yes, even if there is not a precise separation like on Earth, Jupiter’s atmosphere has been defined by scientists as the layer above the point where the pressure measures the same as on Earth’s surface, 14.50 psi (1 bar or 0.9869 atm). 

It is composed by four sections: troposphere , stratosphere, thermosphere and exosphere; each one has been identified by specific pressure and temperature configuration.

Jupiter South Pole Cyclones (Diameter up to 600miles/1.000km) 
Juno Mission (Spacecraft Altitude 32,000 miles/52.000km)
 NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Betsy Asher Hall/Gervasio Robles

 Like on Earth, the temperature decreases with the increase of height, to a minimum point; this particular value separates the troposphere from the stratosphere.

This boundary is also called tropopause and it is located about 30 miles (50 km) from the “surface”.

As we move out to the outer space, the pressure decreases its value as the layer of gases gets thinner; temperature, instead, slightly increases again until the height of about 200 miles (320 km).

Jupiter AtmosphereOct. 5, 2008
  Ruslik0 at en.wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0

Here, the temperature reaches the -99.67 °F (200 K, -73,15 °C) and this is defined stratosphere-thermosphere boundary.

Above this point, in the thermosphere, temperature grows and reaches its highest value of 1340.33 °F (1000 K, 726,85 °C) at an altitude of 621.37 miles (1000 km).

This is the boundary which defines the external section called exosphere.

Jupiter Polar Stereographic Projection 
 NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute

The bottom parts of atmosphere, troposphere and stratosphere, host the famous Jupiter clouds and an haze layer.

The troposphere has an heterogeneous chemical composition and three clouds sections, with increasing pression and density values as we drop the considered height.

First, the upper clouds made of ammonia ice, located at the pressure range of 0.6 – 0.9 bar (8.70 – 13.05 psi); below this, at the pressure layer of  1 – 2 bar (14.50 – 29 psi), denser clouds made of ammonium hydrosulfide, (NH4)HS, or ammonium sulfide, (NH4)2S; at the pressure of 3 – 7 bar (43.51 – 101.53 psi) , also water clouds are thought to exist.

There are no methane clouds as the temperature is too high for it to condense.

The water ones are the densest, having the biggest influence on the atmosphere turbulent dynamic: this is the result of the higher condensation heat and abundance of water, compared to ammonia and hydrogen sulfide.

In other words, oxygen is a more abundant chemical element than either nitrogen or sulfur in this gas planet.

Jupiter Swirling Clouds – Juno Mission
 (Spacecraft Altitude 4,400 miles/7.000 km) – Oct. 29, 2018
NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Gerald Eichstädt/Seán Doran
Closeup Jupiter Clouds – Juno Mission
Jupiter Clouds Detail – Juno Mission
 NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Gerald Eichstädt/Seán Doran

Regarding the stratospheric haze layers, they reside above the main cloud layers.

They are made from condensed heavy polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons or hydrazine; these are generated in the upper stratosphere from methane, under the influence of the ultraviolet radiation of the sun.

Jupiter Stratospheric Haze Layers – Juno Mission – Feb. 17, 2020 
NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Gerald Eichstädt

Jupiter’s thermosphere is located where pressures is lower than 14.50 psi (1 μbar) and demonstrates such phenomena as airglow, polar aurorae (below image) and X-ray emissions.

Ionosphere is formed by the layers of increased electron and ion density that exist whithin it.

Jupiter Polar Aurorae – Hubble Telescope 
NASA/ESA/J. Nichols (University of Leicester)

The thermosphere and the exosphere at the poles emit X-rays.

From Jupiter’s magnetosphere arrive energetic particles that create bright auroral ovals, as you can see in the image above.

Jupiter aurorae are permanent in the atmosphere, while on Earth can be seen only during magnetic storms.

Does Jupiter have a surface?

Being a gaseous mass, scientists think that Jupiter does not own a solid surface, even if nobody actually ever verified by trying to walk there!

If you are really looking for a rocky surface, the core of the gas planet, whose existence is still in doubt, could be made of solid matter where you could try to have an exciting walk.

Approaching Jupiter – Juno Mission – Dec. 11, 2016
NASA/JPL-Caltech/SwRI/MSSS/Gabriel Fiset


However, it is assumed that under the atmosphere made of 30 miles (or 50 km) cloud barrier, there are hydrogen and helium.

These ones are constantly liquefying, as pressure increases while moving in the direction of the center of Jupiter.

Under that layer, it is supposed to exist liquid metallic hydrogen and the thickness of this section should be about 25,000 miles or 40.000 km.

Going deeper, we could probably find the core, the innermost part of the gas planet.

Scientists are still trying to figure out its existence, as you will read below.

Does Jupiter have a core?

According to the majority of theories, Jupiter has a solid dense core composed of ice, rock and metal, aggregated at the beginning of our solar system by the gravity force, joining together asteroids and comets surfing in the area at the perfect moment, billion years in the past.

Juno Mission – Discovering Jupiter Core

 The nucleus is made of diffuse core mixed into its mantle; its dimension is significant as it is characterised by a radius value between the 30% – 50% of the planet’s one.

An impact by a 10 times Earth trump planet or some particular conditions arisen during Jupiter formation in the surrounding nebula, could have led to the this nucleus condition.

After the formation of the core, due to its gravity, all the gases that we are able to see now have been captured in Jupiter’s atmosphere and still are prisoner of planet’s gravity (2.5 times stronger than Earth’s, local g=24.79m/s).

The temperature there would be 55,000 Fahrenheit (30.000 Celsius) and the pressure would reach out of mind values, because of the heavy layer of gases floating above.

However, according to a minority theory, the planet could have no core at all.

Jupiter Outer View – Juno Mission
NASA / JPL-Caltech / SwRI / MSSS / Eichstädt

The hydrogen and the helium cooled and condensed from the large cloud in which the sun was born, in a heterogeneous way: some regions were denser and able to pull more matter until the planet was born.

This doubt is going to be solved by Juno Mission which will measure Jupiter’s gravitational and magnetic fields, revealing wheter the gas planet has a core.

By that measurement, and having eventually the knowledge of fields size, one theory will prevail on the other one.

To clear the situation, some scientists suggested another possibility considering that the core could have gone through time and now it is not there anymore.

It looks like you have reached the end of the article and you deserve a prize!

Have a look at these pictures of Jupiter. encourage all kind of amateur work considering those of inestimable value.

Credits: Universe Wonders
A13 Phone Camera + ASI178mc ZWO

Credits: Universe Wonders
A13 Phone Camera + ASI178mc ZWO

Credits: Universe Wonders
A13 Phone Camera + ASI178mc ZWO